EP011-EP11 Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure

EP011-EP11 Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure




AATCC EP11-2021e, Evaluation Procedure for UV Energy of Optically Brightened Textiles: Spectrophotometer Calibration. 


Developed in 2007 by AATCC Committee RA36 (reaffirmed 2008, editorially revised 2010, 2012, 2021) Revised 2016, 2021



1.1 This evaluation procedure describes the use of the Textile UV Calibration Standard (TUVCS) for inter-instrument calibration of UV content in the light source of spectrophotometers for the purpose of measuring white or light to medium colored textiles that have been optically brightened with a fluorescent whitening agent. UV absorption properties of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) used for textiles differ from those of FWAs used for plastics or other non-textile materials, necessitating the use of a different reference standard than those typically used for these other materials. This procedure is based on a semi-annually replaced textile calibration standard that facilitates accurate UV content adjustment of the light source of spectrophotometers for use with textile materials independent of instrument geometry and the methodology used for adjusting the amount of UV energy in the instrument.


Copyright American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, RTP, NC, USA. All rights reserved.


The above information is only a summary of the AATCC test method.


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