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TM008-TM8-TM 8 Colorfastness to Crocking: Crockmeter

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM8-2016e(2022)e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Crocking: Crockmeter 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is designed to d...

TM015-TM15-TM 15 Colorfastness to Perspiration

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM15-2021e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Perspiration1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is used to determine the fastness...

TM016.1-TM16.1-TM 16.1 Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Outdoor

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. TM16.1-2023, Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Outdoor 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides the general principles...

TM016.2-TM16.2-TM 16.2 Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Carbon-Arc

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. TM16.2-2023e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Carbon-Arc 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides the general princ...

TM016.3-TM16.3-TM 16.3 Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.TM16.3-2020,, Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method provides the general principles and procedures fo...

TM017-TM17-TM 17 Test Method for Wetting Agents, Evaluation of

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM17-1999e2(2018)e2 Test Method for Wetting Agents, Evaluation of 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method determines the efficienc...

TM020-TM20-TM 20, Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Qualitative

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM20-2021 Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Qualitative 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method describes the physical, chemical, an...

TM020A-TM20A-TM 20A, Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative

TM20A-2021e, Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This method presents individual procedures for the quantitative determination of moisture content, nonfibrous content...

TM022-TM22-TM 22 Water Repellency: Spray Test

AATCC TM22-2017e, Test Method for Water Repellency: Spray.1.Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is applicable to any textile fabric, which may or may not have been given a water-repellent finish.It...

TM023-TM23-TM 23 Test Method for Colorfastness to Burnt Gas Fumes

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM23-2015e(2020), Test Method for Colorfastness to Burnt Gas Fumes 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is intended for assessi...

TM026-TM26-TM 26, Test Method for Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM26-2020, Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method describes a procedure for determini...

TM027-TM27-TM 27, Test Method for Wetting Agents: Evaluation of Rewetting Agents

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM27-1952e8(2018)e2, Test Method for Wetting Agents: Evaluation of Rewetting Agents 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method provid...

TM030-TM30-TM 30 Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials: Mildew an

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM30-2017e,Test Method for Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile Materials 1. ...

TM035-TM35-TM 35 Test Method for Water Resistance: Rain

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM35-2018e2 Water Resistance: Rain Test 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is applicable to any textile fabric, which may or ...

TM042 Test Method for Water Resistance: Impact Penetration

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM42-2017e, Test Method for Water Resistance: Impact Penetration 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is applicable to any tex...

TM043-TM43-TM 43 , Test MEthod for Wetting Agents for Mercerization

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM43-1952e6(2018)e3, Wetting Agents for Mercerization 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is applicable only to the evaluation...

TM061-TM61-TM 61 Test Method for Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM61-2013e(2020)e2, Test Method for Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 These accelerated laundering ...

TM066-TM66-TM 66 , Test Method Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM66-2017e2, Test Method for Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is used t...

TM070-TM70-TM 70 Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM70-2015e2(2020), Test Method for Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is appl...

TM076-TM76-TM 76 Electrical Surface Resistivity of Fabrics

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM76-2000e3(2018)e, Test Method for Electrical Surface Resistivity of Fabrics 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The purpose of this test meth...

TM079-TM79-TM 79 Absorbency of Textiles

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM79-2010e2(2018)e3, Test Method for Absorbency of Textiles 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The test method is for the determination of the...

TM081-TM81-TM 81 pH of the Water-Extract from Wet Processed Textiles

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.TM81-2022, Test Method for pH of the Water-Extract from Wet Processed Textiles 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method determines the p...

TM082-TM82-TM 82 Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose from Bleached Cotton Cloth

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM82-2022 Test Method for Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose from Bleached Cotton Cloth. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The test procedu...

TM084-TM84-TM 84 Electrical Resistance of Yarns

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM84-2000e(2018)e, Test Method for Electrical Resistance of Yarns 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The purpose of this test method is to det...

TM086-TM86-TM 86 Drycleaning: Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM86-1973e10 (2016)e, Drycleaning: Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method indicates t...

TM088B-TM88B-TM 88B Seam Smoothness in Fabrics after Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM88B-2018te, Seam Smoothness in Fabrics after Home Laundering. This test method and its accompanying photographic scales were develo...

TM088C-TM88C-TM 88C Crease Retention in Fabrics after Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC Test Method 88C-2018te, Crease Retention in Fabrics after Home Laundering Technically equivalent to ISO 7769. 1. Purpose and Scope 1...

TM089-TM89-TM 89 Mercerization in Cotton

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT AATCC TM89-2019, Mercerization in Cotton 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a method for the determination of the prese...

TM090-TM90-TM 90 Antibacterial Activity: Agar Plate

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM90-2022 , Test Method for Antibacterial Activity of Textile Materials: Agar Plate 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 The objective is to ...

TM092-TM92-TM 92 Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Single Sample Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM92-2024, Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Single Sample Method1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This is an accelerated test method to det...

TM093-TM93-TM 93 Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics: Accelerotor Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM93-2019, Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics: Accelerotor Method1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is intended for evaluating the ...

TM094-TM94-TM 94 Finishes in Textiles: Identification

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM94-2020, Finishes in Textiles: Identification 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method gives guidelines for qualitative identi...

TM098-TM98-TM 98 Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM98-2022, Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method determines the total alkal...

TM100-TM 100 Test Method for Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assess

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM100-2019, Test Method for Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method pro...

TM101-TM 101 Colorfastness to Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM101-2019, Test Method for Colorfastness to Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is intended...

TM102-TM 102 Hydrogen Peroxide by Potassium Permanganate Titration

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM102-2022, Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide by Potassium Permangante Titration 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test...

TM103-TM 103 Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes used in Desizing

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM103-2024, Test Method for Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes used in Desizing 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is intended fo...

TM104-TM 104 Colorfastness to Water Spotting

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM104-2010(2014)e2, Colorfastness to Water Spotting 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is designed to evaluate the resistance...

TM106-TM 106 Colorfastness to Water: Sea

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM106-2009e(2013)e3, Test Method for Colorfastness to Water: Sea 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is designed to measu...

TM107-TM 107 Colorfastness to Water

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM107-2022e, Colorfastness to Water. Technically equivalent to ISO 105-E01.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is designed to me...

TM109-TM 109 Colorfastness to Ozone under Low Humidities

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM109-2011(2016)e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere under Low Humidities Partly equivalent to ISO 105-G03.1. ...

TM110-TM 110 Whiteness of Textiles

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM110-2021, Test Method for Whiteness of Textiles. Technically equivalent to ISO 105-J02.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method pro...

TM111-TM 111 Weather Resistance of Textiles

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM111-2023, Weather Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Daylight and Weather 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method provides a mean...

TM112-TM 112 Formaldehyde Release from Fabric: Sealed Jar Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM112-2020, Test Method for Formaldehyde Release from Fabric: Sealed Jar 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is applicable to te...

TM114-TM 114 Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM114-2021, Test Method for Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is a simplifi...

TM115-TM 115 Electrostatic Clinging of Fabrics: Fabric-to-Metal Test

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM115-2000e(2011)e, Test Method for Electrostatic Clinging of Fabrics: Fabric-to-Metal Test 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method ...

TM116-TM 116 Colorfastness to Crocking: Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM116-2018e(2022)e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Crocking: Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Technically equivalent to ISO 105-X16.1. Pu...

TM117-TM 117 Colorfastness to Heat: Dry (Excluding Pressing)

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM117-2024, Test Method for Colorfastness to Heat: Dry (Excluding Pressing)2. Purpose and Scope2.1 This test method is intended for a...

TM118-TM 118 Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM118, Test Method for Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Technically equivalent to ISO 14419.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test m...

TM119-TM 119 Colorfastness to Flat Abrasion (Frosting):Screen Wire

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM119-2019, Test Method for Colorfastness to Flat Abrasion (Frosting) : Screen Wire 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is inten...

TM120-TM 120 Test Method for Colorfastness to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Emery

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM120-2019, Test Method for Colorfastness to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Emery 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is intended for...

TM121-TM 121 Carpet Soiling: Visual Rating Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM121-1995e2(2014)e, Test Method for Carpet Soiling: Visual Rating 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method covers the measuremen...

TM124-TM 124 Smoothness Appearance of Fabrics after Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC Test Method 124-2018, Test Method for Smoothness Appearance of Fabrics after Home Laundering Technically equivalent to ISO 7768. 1. P...

TM125-TM 125 Colorfastness to Perspiration and Light

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM125, Test Method for Colorfastness to Perspiration and Light Partially equivalent to ISO 105-B07.1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 The pur...

TM127 Test Method for Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT AATCC TM127-2017(2018)e, Test Method for Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method measures the resi...

TM128-TM 128 Wrinkle Recovery of Fabrics: Appearance Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM128-2017e2, Test Method for Wrinkle Recovery of Fabrics: Appearance. Technically equivalent to ISO 9867. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 T...

TM129-TM 129 Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere under High Humidities

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM129-2011(2016)e, Test Method Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere under High Humidities Partly equivalent to ISO 105-G03.1. Pur...

TM130-TM 130 Soil Release: Oily Stain Release Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM130-2018t, Test Method for Soil Release: Oily Stain Release 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is for the evaluation of fabri...

TM131-TM 131 Colorfastness to Pleating: Steam Pleating

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM131-2019, Colorfastness to Pleating: Steam Pleating 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is intended for assessing the resista...

TM132-TM 132 Colorfastness to Drycleaning

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM132-2004e3(2013)e3, Colorfastness to Drycleaning Technically equivalent to ISO 105-D01. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method...

TM133-TM 133 Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM133-2020e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing. Technically equivalent to ISO 105-X11.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This...

TM134-TM 134 Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM134-2019, Test Method for Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets. Related to ISO 6356.)1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method assess...

TM135-TM 135 Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC Test Method 135-2018t, Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering Developed in 1970 by AATCC Committee RA42; reaffirmed ...

TM137-TM 137 Rug Back Staining on Vinyl Tile

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM137-2002e(2012)e2, Rug Back Staining on Vinyl Tile 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method determines the degree of color transfer...

TM138-TM 138 Cleaning: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM138-2000e(2014)e, Cleaning: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is a laboratory procedure d...

TM140-TM 140 Dye and Pigment Migration in a Pad-Dry Process: Evaluation of

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM140-2018e, Dye and Pigment Migration in a Pad-Dry Process Technically equivalent to ISO 105-Z06.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test m...

TM141-TM 141 Compatibility of Basic Dyes for Acrylic Fibers

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM141-2019e, Compatibility of Basic Dyes for Acrylic Fibers Technically equivalent to ISO 105-Z03. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 ...

TM143-TM 143 Appearance of Apparel and Textile Products after Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC Test Method 143-2018te, Appearance of Apparel and Other Textile End Products after Home Laundering Technically equivalent to ISO 1548...

TM144-TM 144 Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Total

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM144-2022e, Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Total .1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is used to determine the total alkali ...

TM146-TM 146 Dispersibility of Disperse Dyes: Filter Test

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM146-2011(2022)e, Dispersibility of Disperse Dyes: Filter Test Related to ISO 105-Z041. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test determines th...

TM147-TM 147 Antibacterial Activity of Textile Materials: Parallel Streak

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM147-2011 (2016e), Test Method for Antibacterial Activity of Textile Materials: Parallel Streak 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The objectiv...

TM148-TM 148 Light Blocking Effect of Textiles: Photodetector Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM148-2014e4(2021), Light Blocking Effect of Textiles and Related Materials: Photodetector Method 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test m...

TM149-TM 149 Chelation Value of Aminopolycarboxylic Acids

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM149-2023, Chelation Value of Aminopolycarboxylic Acids and Their Salts: Calcium Oxalate. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The active content...

TM150-TM 150 Dimensional Changes of Garments after Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC Test Method 150-2018t, Dimensional Changes of Garments after Home Laundering. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is for the det...

TM154-TM 154 Thermal Fixation Properties of Disperse Dyes

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM154-2017e, Thermal Fixation Properties of Disperse Dyes1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is used to determine the fixation p...

TM157-TM 157 Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM157-2022, Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is designed to measure the ...

TM158-TM 158 Dimensional Changes on Drycleaning, Perchloroethylene

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM158-1978e10(2016)e, Dimensional Changes on Drycleaning in Perchloroethylene: Machine 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method speci...

TM159-TM 159 Transfer of Acid and Premetallized Acid Dyes on Nylon

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM159-2017e, Transfer of Acid and Premetallized Acid Dyes on Nylon 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method evaluates the transfer of...

TM161-TM 161 Chelating Agents: Disperse Dye Shade Change Caused by Metals

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM161-2023, Color Change of Disperse Dyes Caused by Metals, with and without Chelating Agent 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method...

TM162-TM 162 Colorfastness to Water: Chlorinated Pool

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM162-2011e2, Colorfastness to Water: Chlorinated Pool Related to ISO 105-E03. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is used for e...

TM163-TM 163 Colorfastness to Storage: Dye Transfer

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e4, Colorfastness to Storage: Dye Transfer 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 The storage of garments made with component parts...

TM164-TM 164 Colorfastness to Oxides of Nitrogen under High Humidities

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM164-2015e(2020), Colorfastness to Oxides of Nitrogen in the Atmosphere under High Humidities Technically equivalent to ISO 105-G04....

TM165-TM 165 Colorfastness to Crocking: Textile Floor Coverings-Crockmeter

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM165-1999e10(2021)e2, Test Method for Colorfastness to Crocking: Textile Floor Coverings-Crockmeter Partially equivalent to ISO 105-...

TM167-TM 167 Foaming Propensity of Disperse Dyes

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM167-1986e5(2018)e, Foaming Propensity of Disperse Dyes. 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 Foam generation must be controlled in dyeing equipm...

TM168-TM 168 Chelating Agents: Polyaminopolycarboxylic Acids; Copper PAN Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM168-2023, Chelation Value of Polyaminopolycarboxylic Acids and their Salts: Copper PAN Method 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 The act...

TM169-TM 169 Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM169-2020e, Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a procedure f...

TM170-TM 170 Dusting Propensity of Powder Dyes

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM170-1987e6(2017)e, Dusting Propensity of Powder Dyes 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a standard method for ...

TM171-TM 171 Carpets: Cleaning of; Hot Water Extraction Method

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM171-2019, Carpets: Cleaning of; Hot Water Extraction Method 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a laboratory pro...

TM172-TM 172 Colorfastness to Powdered Non-Chlorine Bleach in Home Laundering

TTEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM172-2010e(2016)e2, Colorfastness to Powdered Non-Chlorine Bleach in Home Laundering 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test m...

TM174-TM 174 Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of New Carpets

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM174-2022e, Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of New Carpets 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is designed to determine...

TM175-TM 175 Stain Resistance: Pile Floor Coverings

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM175-2024, Stain Resistance: Pile Floor Coverings 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is used to determine the resistance...

TM176-TM 176 Speckiness of Colorant Dispersions: Evaluation of

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM176-1996e(2017)e, Speckiness of Colorant Dispersions Technically equivalent to IO 105-Z11. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 Agglomer...

TM179-TM 179 Skew Change in Fabrics After Home Laundering

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM179-2023 Skew Change in Fabrics After Home Laundering 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is used to determine change i...

TM182-TM 182 Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solution

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM182-2021, Test Method for Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solution . Technically equivalent to IO 105-Z10. 1. Purpose and S...

TM183-TM 183 Transmittance or Blocking of UV Radiation through Fabric

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM183(2020)e Ultraviolet Radiation through Fabrics 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This standard test method is used to determine the ul...

TM184-TM 184 Dusting Behavior of Dyes: Determination of

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM184,Dusting Behavior of Dyes Technically equivalent to ISO 105-Z05. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a mea...

TM186-TM 186 Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM186-2023e, Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a procedure f...

TM187-TM 187 Dimensional Changes of Fabrics: Accelerated

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM187-2013e, Dimensional Changes of Fabrics: Accelerated 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is an accelerated procedure for det...

TM188-TM 188 Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach in Home Laundering

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM188-2010e3(2017)e, Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach in Home Laundering 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test metho...

TM189-TM 189 Fluorine Content of Carpet Fibers

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC TM189-2024, Fluorine Content of Carpet Fibers Purpose and Scope1.1 This method is for determining the amount of fluorocarb...

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