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Color and Color Properties eLearning Module

Commercialization of E-Textile Product in a Regulated Market

This presentation will address the following:Steps in e-textile product commercialization process; General best practices for commercialization of e-textile product; E-textile supply chain- amalgam of...

Data Privacy and Cybersecurity for Smart Wearables

From the EUs General Data Protection Regulation to Californias Information Privacy Civil Code to Canadas Consumer Privacy Protection Act, there are a growing number of market requirements that define ...

Digital Printing Color Management and Evaluation

This presentation will introduce the color management process and quality evaluation methods of digital textile printing. Case studies and applications of testing methods will be shown. The challenge ...

Drive Organic Growth... with B2B-optimized Customer Interviews Webinar

Learn how to put your B2B advantages to work, so you can go beyond hand-me-down consumer voice-of-customer methods. Great interviewing leads to better customer insights and then superior new products ...

Duke University Facemask Efficacy Study Webinar

Mandates for mask use in public during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, worsened by global shortage of commercial supplies, have led to widespread use of homemade masks and mask alternatives. It is assum...

Dyeing with Acid Dyes

This webinar presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, focuses on nylon with related comments to other acid dyeable fibers. Included in this presentation will be an understanding of the different ...

Dyeing with Vat Dyes

This webinar presented by Don Carrigan, Passaic Color & Chemical, on vat dyes will cover both exhaust and continuous applications. A discussion of the various sub-classes of vats along with applicatio...

Dyestuff Chemistry Fundamentals

Bryan Dill with Archroma US Inc. presents a primer in basic dyestuff chemistry and application for the beginner to intermediate level. The presentation starts with an overview of how we see color and ...

Dyestuffs and Applications eLearning Module

E-Textiles Standards Overview

The following points will be discuss during the presentation: General industry update; Existing standards; Benefits of standards; Challenges of standards / how is the industry addressing it?; Propriet...

EBSCO Presents: Textile Technology Complete

Did you know AATCC members receive free access to the EBSCO Textile Technology Complete database? This full-text database covers the scientific and technological aspects of textile production and pro...

Efficacy Testing of Antimicrobial Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE comes in many forms: gloves, masks, face shields, goggles, gowns, etc. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused worldwide shortages in PPE and forced a reimagining of PPE. From disinfecting and reuse to i...

EP001-EP1-EP 1 Gray Scale for Color Change

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP1-2020, Gray Scale for Color Change Adopted in 1954 by AATCC; under jurisdiction of AATCC Committee RA36; revised 1979, ...

EP002-EP2-EP 2 Gray Scale for Staining

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP2-2020, Gray Scale for StainingAdopted in 1954 by AATCC; under jurisdiction of AATCC Committee RA36; Revised 1979, 1981...

EP005-EP5-EP 5 Fabric Hand: Guidelines for the Subjective Evaluation of

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP5, Evaluation Procedure for Fabric Hand Value Developed in 1990 by AATCC Committee RA89 (editorially revised and reaffirm...

EP006-EP6-EP 6 Instrumental Color Measurement

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC EP6-2021, Evaluation Procedure for Instrumental Color Measurement Developed in 1995 by AATCC Committee RA36 (reaffirmed ...

EP007-EP7-EP 7 Instrumental Assessment of Change in Color of a Test Specimen

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC EP7, Evaluation Procedure for Instrumental Assessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen Developed in 1995 by AA...

EP008-EP8-EP 8 AATCC 9-Step Chromatic Transference Scale

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC EP8-2010e*(2017)e AATCC 9-Step Chromatic transference Scale Developed in 1996 by AATCC Committees RA36/RA38; maintained ...

EP009-EP9-EP 9 Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC EP9-2021, Evaluation Procedure for Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles Developed in 1999 by AATCC Committe...

EP010-EP10-EP 10 Multifiber Adjacent Fabrics: Evaluation of

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP10-2018e2, Multifiber Adjacent Fabrics: Evaluation of Developed in 2005 by AATCC Committee RA59 (reaffirmed 2012, 2017; e...

EP011-EP11 Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP11-2021e, S Evluation Procedure for UV Energy of Optically Brightened Textiles: Spectrophotometer Calibration. Developed ...

EP012-EP12-EP 12 Instrumental Assessment of Degree of Staining

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC EP12-2017, Instrumental Assessment of Degree of Staining Developed in 2010 by AATCC Committee RA36 (editorially revised ...

EP013 Ev Proc for Electrical Resistance of Electronically Integrated Textiles

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP13, Evaluation Procedure for Electrical Resistance of Electronically-Integrated TextilesDeveloped in 2018 by AATCC Commit...

EP014 Evaluation Procedure for Small Color Differences

PURCHASED TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC EP14-2021e2, Evaluation Procedure for Small Color Differences Developed in 2021 by AATCC Committee RA36.1 Editorially Revis...

Exploring the Artistry of Screen Printing with Natural Dyes

Join Kavyashree Mruthyunjaya Swamy, Textile Designer, as she delves into the art and science of screen printing with natural dyes, offering a comprehensive exploration of techniques, materials, and cr...

Fabric Preparation eLearning Module

Fate of Textile Microfibers Released During Home Laundering in Aquatic Environme

Microplastics are small plastic particles with size below 5 mm. They are generated from the fragmentation and wear of plastic objects, paints, textiles, tires, etc., They have been observed in freshwa...

Fibers eLearning Module

Fibrous Materials Scholarship Contribution

Donate to the AATCC Foundation Fibrous Materials Scholarship and support the future of textiles!

Fit Technology: Balancing Shareholder and Stakeholder Value

This presentation will focus on how fit based technology and strategies are the future of digital and physical retail. It will explore conventional and unconventional fit solutions addressing fit as a...

Flammability in Textiles and Polymers (Day 1)

Bert Truesdale with TenCate Protective Fabrics is the moderator for this two-day Flammability in Textiles and Polymers Digital Lab. This virtual event features industry leaders and academic experts di...

Flammability in Textiles and Polymers (Day 2)

Bert Truesdale with TenCate Protective Fabrics is the moderator for this two-day Flammability in Textiles and Polymers Digital Lab. This virtual event features industry leaders and academic experts di...

Fluorescence and High Visibility for Textiles (Day 1)

Nelson Houser, retired Archroma, is the moderator for the first day of this two-day Fluorescence and High Visibility in Textiles Digital Lab. This virtual event features industry leaders and experts d...

Fluorescence and High Visibility for Textiles (Day 2)

Steve Simonson, SimonsonWorldWide LLC, is the moderator for the second day of this two-day Fluorescence and High Visibility in Textiles Digital Lab. This virtual event features industry leaders and ex...

Fundamentals of Cationic (Basic) Dyes

The Fundamentals of Cationic (Basic) Dyes presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, will cover their application to acrylic, modacrylic, cationic-dyeable polyester, and aramids. Opening with a gen...

Fundamentals of Direct Dyes

This presentation presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, will cover dyeing cellulosics (cotton, rayon) and their blends. The advantages and limitations, markets, dyeing chemistry and mechanisms...

Fundamentals of Disperse Dyes in Exhaust Application

This presentation presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, covers applicable fibers, with emphasis on polyester.

Fundamentals of Yarn and Fabric Preparation

This preparation webinar presented by Edwin T. Turner, Cotton Incorporated, will cover yarn and fabric lubricants/finishes and/or sizes that must be removed before subsequent processing, analysis to a...

Go Straight to Production-Eliminate Lab Dip Submissions

This presentation will address the following: eliminate lab dip and bulk submits, definable capability, traceable performance, open transparency, and ROI & value.

Haptics and Textiles (Day 1)

Keith Hoover, Black Swan Textiles, is the moderator for this two-day Haptics and Textiles Digital Lab. This digital lab features textile industry experts, including researchers, product developers, te...

Haptics and Textiles (Day 2)

Keith Hoover, Black Swan Textiles, is the moderator for this two-day Haptics and Textiles Digital Lab. This digital lab features textile industry experts, including researchers, product developers, te...

How does LED Lighting Impact Supply Chain Color Control?

LED light sources are an important part of the retail environment. This presentation will provide an overview of the application of LED sources in retail, including managing color in a global supply c...

How to Reduce Risk in Major R&D Projects... With Confidence Webinar

Dan and his team have recently developed a whole new approach to managing large, high-impact R&D projects. With this method, youll confidently uncover and defuse landmines that blow up schedules, proj...

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing for Textiles Webinar

Hydrostatic pressure testing is required for level 2 and 3 medical gowns and drapes. It is also commonly used for evaluating high-performance rainwear. Learn to properly perform and interpret this tes...

Impact Penetration Testing for Textiles Webinar

Impact penetration testing measures the amount of liquid that passes through a fabric under specified conditions. It is a key test for Level 1, 2, and 3 gowns and drapes in healthcare settings. This w...

Insecticide-Free, Bite-Proof Clothing for Everyday

This one-hour virtual presentation on Insecticide-Free, Bite-Proof Clothing for Everyday Digital Lab is presented by Dr. Andre West and Dr. Michael Roe with North Carolina State University. This prese...

Introduction to 4D Textiles

4D Textiles are structures that respond to environment forces. Typically these are produced by combining 3D printing with textile materials. The behavior is achieved by storing strain energy in the ...

LEDs What, Why and How

As LEDs become more ubiquitous in everyday life, it is critical to understand the impact they have on our perception of color, especially in textiles. This session will explore fundamentals of lightin...

LP1 Home Laundering: Machine Washing

AATCC LP1-2021, Home Laundering: Machine Washing. "Effective 10/4/23 being offered at No Charge to support use in CPSC 16 CFR part 1610*

LP2 Home Laundering: Hand Washing

AATCC LP2-2018e(2020) , Home Laundering: Hand Washing. Developed in 2018 by AATCC Committee RA88 (supersedes Monograph 5). (Editorially Revised 2019; reaffirmed 2020)

LP3 Transfer of Free Permethrin from Textile Surfaces

AATCC LP3-2018e, Transfer of Free Permethrin from Textile Surfaces. (Developed in 2018 by AATCC Committee RA99; editorially revised 2019.)

LP4 Lab Procedure for Synthetic Soil

AATCC LP4-2023, Lab Procedure for Synthetic Soil Developed in 2023 by AATCC Committee RA57.

LP5 Lab Procedure for Home Laundering with Bleach

PURCHASED STANDARDS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC LP5-2023, Lab Procedure for Home Laundering with Bleach Purpose and Scope 1.1 This procedure provides standard condition...

LP6 Laboratory Procedure for Preparation of Appearance Evaluation Area

AATCC LP6-2024, Lab Procedure for Preparation of Appearance Evaluation Area 2.    Purpose and Scope 2.1    This procedure provides guidance on preparing an appearance evaluation area, including selec...

M1 AATCC Standard Reference Detergents & Laundry Detergents in General


M11 A Glossary of AATCC Standard Terminology

PURCHASED DOWNLOADS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC M11-2024 Glossary of AATCC Standard Terminology Terms and definitions related to AATCC test methods and procedures. Co...

M12 AATCC Style Guide for Writing Test Methods


M13 Rules of Procedure for AATCC Test Method and Technology Committees

PURCHASED DOWNLOADS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. AATCC M13-2024 Rules of Procedure for AATCC Test Method and Technology Committees Introduction The Board of Directors is A...

M14 Guidance and Considerations for General Purpose Textile Face Coverings: Adul


M4 Overview of Liquid Fabric Softeners Used in Home Laundering


M9 A Summary of ASTM Methods for Interlaboratory Testing


Martin J. Bide University of Rhode Island Scholarship Contribution

Donate to the AATCC Foundation Martin J. Bide University of Rhode Island Scholarship and suppor the future of textiles!

Mechanical Finishing eLearning Module

Mechanical Finishing in Textile Processing

Mechanical finishing can impart specific attributes to a fabric with respect to shrinkage control, surface appearance and surface effects to impact fabric softness and hand. Len Farias, Cotton Incorpo...

Multifunctional Sensory E-Textiles

With the increase in demand for wearable devices, fiber-based sensors have attracted much attention because of their potential for creating electronic textiles for applications such as health monitori...

Natural Dyes for Textiles (Day 1)

Krystle Moody Wood with Materevolve is the moderator for this two-day Natural Dyes for Textiles Digital Lab. The event is hosted by industry leaders, innovative creators, and top experts in the world...

Natural Dyes for Textiles (Day 2)

Krystle Moody Wood with Materevolve is the moderator for this two-day Natural Dyes for Textiles Digital Lab. The event is hosted by industry leaders, innovative creators, and top experts in the world...

Nonwovens eLearning Module

Overview of Color and Colorants for Textiles

Color is ubiquitous and can be produced for aesthetic and/or functional purposes. Both natural and synthetic (man-made) colorants can be used to apply color to a variety of materials including textil...

Overview of Dye Classes and Methods of Color Application

This presentation presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, is an overview of the major fibers and dye classes involved, general mechanisms for the dye-fiber bonding and fundamentals of the proces...

Overview of Surgical Mask and Respirator Requirements Webinar

This presentation will provide an overview of surgical masks and respirator industry standard, methods, and regulations. Also discussed will be the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations actions to help a...

Pigment Applications for Textiles

This webinar is presented by Gerald (Jerry) Fitzpatrick, Sales Manager, First Source Worldwide and Doug Thompson, Product Manager, First Source Worldwide. Key points to be addressed in this presentati...

Printing eLearning Module

Processing Fundamentals of Stretch Fabrics containing Spandex

Fabrics containing spandex elastomeric fibers are increasingly popular in all types of apparel. This webinar presented by Nelson E. Houser, M. Dohmen USA, will include the properties of spandex, typic...

Proficiency Testing for Textile Labs: Find Your Provider

Do you value dependable testing results for your fabric and textile testing?Are you on the journey of ensuring your labs accreditation?Tap the resources of AATCC, an experienced Proficiency Testing Pr...

PTP1: Color Evaluation Proficiency Testing Program

The Color Evaluation PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for evaluating color change and staining properties of fabrics.

PTP3: Appearance & Physical Properties Proficiency Testing Program

The Appearance PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for measuring the appearance of fabrics in response to laundry processes.

PTP4: Antibacterial Properties Proficiency Testing Program

The Antibacterial Properties PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for measuring antibacterial properties of fabrics.

PTP5: Resistance & Repellency Proficiency Testing Program

The Resistance and Repellency PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for measuring water repellency, water resistance, and oil repellency of textile products.

PTP6: Colorfastness Proficiency Testing Program

The Colorfastness PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for measuring the colorfastness of fabrics to various elements.

PTP7: Moisture Management Proficiency Testing Program

The Moisture Management PTP enables labs to compare their performance of AATCC methods for measuring moisture management properties of fabrics.

Q48349: QUOTE FOR AATCC 1993 Standard Reference Detergent, WOB (75 kg Drum)

1993 Standard Reference Detergent WOB (without optical brightener) is used for home laundering tests, particularly to evaluate colorfastness. Brighteners in other detergents can interfere with this ev...

Q49145: QUOTE FOR AATCC 1993 Standard Reference Detergent (75 kg Drum)

1993 Standard Reference Detergent is used for home laundering tests and DOES contain brighteners. Powder formula. Visit for details. 75 kg drum. OEKO-TEX ECO PASSPORT...

Q78728A: QUOTE FOR Rain Tester

The Rain Tester is used to measure water penetration resistance of fabrics or combinations of fabrics at different intensities as described in AATCC Test Method 35, Water Resistance: Rain Test. Submi...

QUOTE FOR Online Subscription to AATCC Standards

AATCC standards can be accessed as a company-wide online subscription through ASTM's Compass database. The AATCC Collection includes all current AATCC test methods, evaluation procedures, and monograp...

Rebuilding the Textile Talent Pipeline

Economic cycles and various trade agreements drastically impacted the US Textile Industry creating age gaps within the work force. As the US Textile Industry continues to rebound, we are now looking t...

Recycled Content Products From Manufacturing to Marketing

In the wave of sustainability, more companies start to make products using recycled materials to reduce the landfill and overall carbon footprint. This presentation will walk you through the key termi...

Simulation for Textile Design

Simulation has the potential to replace all or part of the prototyping process and is increasingly considered a pre-production strategy for reducing time and cost. Faculty at NC State University are i...

Smart Textiles: Enhancing Safety of Emerging Tech Through Risk Assessment

In recent years, an unprecedented number of new and traditional consumer products have begun to include innovative features, such as wireless connectivity, activity tracking, and fitness monitoring. ...

Spun Yarn Manufacturing eLearning Module

Sustainability in Textiles (Day 1)

Lewis Shuler, Paradise Textiles, is the moderator for day one of this two-day Sustainability in Textiles Digital Lab. This virtual event will feature industry leaders and academic experts exploring en...

Sustainability in Textiles (Day 2)

Muhammad Zubair, Organic Dyes and Pigments, is the moderator for the second day of this two-day Sustainability in Textiles Digital Lab. This virtual event will feature industry leaders and academic ex...

Textile Chemistry Scholarship Contribution

Donate to the AATCC Foundation Textile Chemistry Scholarship and support the future of textiles!

Textile Design Scholarship Contribution

Donate to the AATCC Foundation Textile Design Scholarship and support the future of textiles!

Textile Labeling Essentials

Jennifer Hargrave, Senior Regulatory Consulting Specialist, Softlines, Bureau Veritas, presents, Textile & Apparel Labeling Essentials: United States Softlines Labeling Requirements. This Digital Lab ...

Textile Merchandising Scholarship Contribution

Donate to the AATCC Foundation Textile Merchandising Scholarship and support the future of textiles!

Texturing eLearning Module

The Impact of Sustainability on the Textile Industry

Professors Chuanlan Liu and Sibei Xia from Louisiana State University take a deep look at the increasingly significant role of sustainability and technology in the textile and apparel industry. The te...

TM006-TM6-TM 6 Test Method for Colorfastness to Acids and Alkalis

TEST METHODS ARE DELIVERED AS A LINK IN YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT.AATCC TM6-2021, Test Method for Colorfastness to Acids and Alkalis 1. Purpose and Scope1.1 Test specimens are evaluated for change in color...

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